Steam Roulette

What is Steam Roulette?

Steam Roulette is a series where we try out a bunch of viewer-suggested games. The catch is that we don't pick the games we play...

Each suggested game is assigned a number on a roulette wheel. Whatever number the ball lands on is the game that gets played. The game is played for about 15 minutes, then a new one is picked. Contrary to the name, we play more than just Steam games. Just... mostly Steam games.

Can I add suggestions?

Not directly, but any suggestions made in the Community Discord will be vetted and, if deemed worthy, added to the official list of suggestions. The following is some general criteria to keep in mind when making suggestions:

This site exists simultaneously as an archive of previously played Steam Roulette games, and as a repository of game suggestions for future Steam Roulette streams. *Site is currently kinda trash on mobile, but that will hopefully be fixed in time, sry*